
To understand the causes and develop solutions for urban heat, flooding, and air pollution, it is necessary to have neighborhood-scale information on weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, humidity, and rainfall). This is particularly true as these conditions are not evenly distributed across cities. For example, low-income communities are often in the hottest neighborhoods with little vegetation, few trees, and large areas of impervious surfaces.

There is lack of surface weather measurements within cities which prevent needed analysis of the causes of spatial variability, and the efficacy of active or proposed interventions. Federal and state agencies only make meteorological measurement at a few stations within or near Baltimore City. (See map below.) These measurements are insufficient to evaluate which populations are being exposed to high heat. In recent years, there has been a growth of weather stations owned by individuals. However, the lack of documentation on types of instruments and placement (e.g., roof versus ground) of these personal weather stations makes it difficult to determine the true spatial variations in near-surface air temperature. Furthermore, and perhaps most important, these personal weather stations are not uniformly spaced across the city. In other words, even with personal weather stations, there are still meteorological measurement deserts within Baltimore City.

To address this lack of data, the Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) is placing instruments to measure weather conditions within Baltimore City, with a focus on neighborhoods that currently lack measurements.


Important Links

Weather Station Map

Location of weather stations (instruments that measure temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind, and sunlight) operated by BSEC. Color shows type of instrument:  Ambient Weather (purple), OttHydro (blue), or both (green).

Weather Station Locations

For exact station locations, please email us a [email protected].

Station IDSite NameNeighborhoodSite TypeStation TypeStart Date
AACAllen AME ChurchPoppletonChurchAWS5/19/2023
ABLAbellAbellPrivate ResidenceAWS8/8/2023
AESArlington Elementary SchoolArlingtonschoolAWS8/12/2024
AGCAmazing Grace ChurchMcElderry ParkChurchAWS8/8/2023
AQUNational AquariumInner HarborAquariumAWS1/19/2025
ARKArk ChurchOliverChurchAWS7/18/2023
ARK2Ark Church Site 2East Baltimore-MidwayChurchOTT5/9/2024
BBEBay Brook Elementary/Middle SchoolBrooklyn HomesschoolAWS4/12/2024
BCCBilingual Christian ChurchPulaski Industrial AreaChurchAWS5/24/2024
BESBarclay E/M SchoolHarwoodSchoolAWS2/19/2025
BTSBeth Tfiloh Dahan Community SchoolPikesvilleSchoolAWS5/29/2024
BUGSBatlimore Urban Gardening for StudentsHarbor PointOutdoor Learning Center / SchoolAWS10/29/2024
CARECARE NeighborhoodCAREVacant LotOTT10/3/2023
CCACollington Commons ApartmentsBroadway EastPrivate ResidenceAWS6/13/2024
CLVClarksvilleClarksvillePrivate ResidenceAWS4/1/2023
CLV2Clarksville Site 2ClarksvillePrivate ResidenceAWS8/7/2023
CMNCarrie Murray Nature CenterLeakin ParkParkOTT7/19/2023
CMNCarrie Murray Nature CenterLeakin ParkParkAWS8/21/2024
COVCockeysvilleCockeysvillePrivate ResidenceOTT7/7/2023
COVCockeysvilleCockeysvillePrivate ResidenceAWS3/23/2023
COV2Cockeysville Site 2CockeysvillePrivate ResidenceOTT9/27/2023
COV2Cockeysville Site 2CockeysvillePrivate ResidenceAWS8/8/2023
CRCCollington Rec CenterBroadway EastParks & Recs CenterAWS7/18/2024
CRGCourage Field CampaignClifton ParkUniversityOTT
CRGCourage Field CampaignClifton ParkUniversityAWS12/4/2024
CRGCourage Field CampaignClifton ParkUniversityKES2/5/2025
CRGCourage Field CampaignClifton ParkUniversityHOBO2/5/2025
DSGDuncan Street Mircale GardenBroadway EastCommunity GardenOTT8/8/2023
FHSFederal Hill Preparatory SchoolFederal HillSchoolAWS
FSGFilbert Street GardenCurtis BayCommunity GardenOTT7/21/2023
GBWMGreat Blacks Wax MuseumOlivermuseumAWS8/1/2024
GKFGreat Kids FarmCatonsvilleschool farmAWS4/23/2024
GSAGreen Street AcademyCarroll-South HiltonschoolAWS4/25/2024
HMTHamilton Elementary/Middle SchoolWestfieldSchoolAWS2/10/2025
JHUJohns Hopkins University-HomewoodHopkins Homewood CampusUniversityOTT7/17/2023
JHUJohns Hopkins University-HomewoodHopkins Homewood CampusUniversityDAV3/8/2022
JHUJohns Hopkins University-HomewoodHopkins Homewood CampusUniversityAWS4/3/2023
LGCLiberty Grace ChurchAshburtonChurchAWS5/4/2023
LMOLake MontebelloMayfieldPrivate Residence/ParkAWS9/12/2024
LRTLiberty Rec & Tech CenterCentral Forest ParkParks & Recs CenterOTT8/3/2023
LRTLiberty Rec & Tech CenterCentral Forest ParkParks & Recs CenterAWS5/14/2024
MMLCSMother Mary Lange Catholic SchoolBarre CircleSchoolAWS11/14/2024
MRSMt Royal SchoolBolton HillSchoolAWS
MSUMorgan State UniversityMorgan State UniversityUniversityOTT6/28/2023
MSUMorgan State UniversityMorgan State UniversityUniversityAWS9/12/2024
MTEMidtown EastMidtown EastPrivate ResidenceAWS8/9/2024
NRPNorth Roland ParkNorth Roland ParkPrivate ResidenceAWS6/8/2023
OGOld GoucherOld GoucherPrivate ResidenceAWS5/31/2023
PAPParks and PeopleLiberty SquareOutdoor Learning CenterAWS2/25/2025
PLCPiedmont Learning CenterWindsor HillsOutdoor Learning CenterAWS10/18/2024
PPHPlantation Park Heights Urban FarmPark HeightsCommunity GardenAWS5/7/2024
REMRemingtonRemingtonUniversity propertyAWS4/30/2024
RPLRoland Park LibraryRoland ParkLibraryOTT7/11/2023
RPLRoland Park LibraryRoland ParkLibraryAWS8/19/2024
SHCSweet Hope Free Will Baptist ChurchDolfieldChurchAWS4/28/2024
SMFStillmeadow FellowshipWestgateChurchAWS5/17/2023
UBCUnion Baptist ChurchMcculloh HomesChurchAWS3/1/2024
WHEWindsor Hills Elementary/Middle SchoolWindsor HillsschoolAWS3/13/2024