Air quality monitor

What does an air quality monitor measure and why is it important?

The sensors measure concentrations of contaminants that affect human health and the climate, including particles in the air (from .3 to 10 micrometers) and these gasses: ozone, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane. We use the data from the network of sensors to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns in air pollution exposures and to examine how important sources of air pollution in the region affect the variability observed.

How does an air quality monitor make measurements?

These are custom-made sensors using low-cost technology. We are evaluating how they can be used to evaluate neighborhood-level variability in pollutant and greenhouse gas concentrations. 

Where are BSEC air quality monitors located?

BSEC currently has 45 air quality monitors located around Baltimore. A map of the monitor locations is below. 

Map of Baltimore City showing the locations of 45 air quality monitors